Executive Director of Finance -

Harshal Pavin Patel

Roles & Responsibilities

The Director of Finance is responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the GSU. Managing all properties owned by the GSU, the Director of Finance is active in the University and local community as an advocate for additional student funding.


Key roles:

  • Approve Travel grants includes (domestic or international travel conferences relating to academic).

  • Approve PDG / PMG grants.

  • Approve GSDF/SPG grants for clubs and societies.


Hello students, I am Harshal Patel, a student of MASC in Oil and Gas Engineering. I started my academic journey at Memorial University in August of 2023.

It’s an honour to represent the Graduate Student Union as an Executive Director of Finance (EDF) at MUN. I know this valuable position and will help you at every step. I aim to bring more transparency in finance and create more ways to get funds.

I am committed to ensuring our finances are managed responsibly and transparently. This means that I will work closely with all the External Directors to ensure that our funds are being used to benefit all students. I will work with our members to identify areas where we can save money. At the same time, I will be exploring new sources of revenue so that we can continue to provide the service and program that our students rely on. This might include seeking sponsorship with local businesses, industries, or other innovative resources.

Of course, I cannot do this alone, I need support and input from our students to make the right decision.

If you have any questions, contact finance@gsumun.ca or come to the office at Field Hall, 216 Prince Philip Drive GH-2007, St. John’s NL A1B 3R5. Our whole GSU Team will be happy to help you.